Valor IR Consulting

Established in 2015

...a new business filling a vital niche

Communications Focus undelivered message is irrelevant

Global Awareness

...clear standards break down national barriers

Extensive Experience

...over 40 years in the investment industry

Our Philosophy & Objectives
  • IR teams need an organized, repeatable process

  • Core investors are essential to a long-term IR strategy

  • Communications between different cultures are challenging

  • Simple mistakes distract investors from the simple message

  • Face-to-face meetings are rare but represent powerful opportunities to inform, impress and persuade

  • The structure of the investment business is changing - companies need to adapt

  • Valor IR Consulting LLC has been formed to assist publicly listed companies in their communications with one of their most important constituents - the shareholder.

  • Shareholders are providers of capital and good relations with this constituency are critical for growth as well for protection when the economy weakens.

  • Valor IRC is focused on non-US companies, especially those that meet their US-based institutional shareholders only occasionally and who may experience further complexities of culture, language, and rules of corporate governance that differ from their home market.

  • Executive, IR officer and board member training is crucial to successful meetings with analysts and portfolio managers. Regardless of whether the corporate representative is speaking in front of large groups, participating in a one-on-one or dealling with the media, the objective is the same-to present a clear, concise, relevant message answering concerns articulated by the audience.

  • In addition, the message designed for the investment community can be used effectively with other important constituents of the corporation-employees, customers, business partners, creditors and the local community.

  • In our information-hungry world, effective communications is not just desirable, it is mandatory.

Career Stats




Core Investments




Roadshows Hosted

About Jonathan Passmore

Jonathan L. Passmore, the principal of Valor IR Consulting, has worked in the financial industry for over 40 years, enjoying senior roles in fixed income and public equity and in asset management and client communications. His career, spanning 1975 to 2015 and based in both London and NY has included senior roles at GE Asset Management, Merrill Lynch, Smith New Court, and Creditanstalt.

Early experience included trading in US and international fixed income markets and advisory work for institutional clients in those asset classes. In 1990, focus shifted to global equity, investing in all of the major markets of the world.

    Career Highlights

    Prior to launching Valor IR Consulting...

  • Senior Vice President at GEAM, the pension fund subsidiary of the GE Company (2001-2014)

  • Co-manager of GEAM’s flagship International Equity Fund with over $13b in assets at its peak

  • Leader of GEAM’s client portfolio management team, responsible for developing and maintaining the company’s major client relationships

  • Led regular interactions with senior executives from state and corporate pension funds, global consultants, trustee boards and financial media

  • Led and participated in thousands of meetings with CEOs, CFOs and Board member over 25 years

  • Director at MLCICG in NY (1995-2000) and previously at Smith New Court (1993 through the acquisition by M in 1995) leading and developing the institutional client brokerage biz in emerging Europe, ME and Africa

  • Organizing and led many deal (IPO) and non-deal roadshows in the US for companies from Russia, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Turkey, Lebanon, Israel and South Africa

  • Presented at Citigroup’s annual Investor Relations conference for corporate IR officers in London

  • Contributor to industry magazines on topics ranging from the benefits of geographic diversification in large portfolios; the resurgence of Japan as an investment destination and the complexities of investment in China-risks and rewards
Download Full CV

Our Model

Everybody has a story: every individual, group and organization has a story to tell about their background, their skills, their purpose and their ultimate objective. In the world of investor relations, for a company to succeed it must learn to tell its story well, creating knowledge and understanding about its role in the world and providing investors with solid justification for owning the stock.

If a company learns to tell that story well, investors will give it the benefit of the doubt. Investor relations officers need to spend time crafting a story that is relevant, informative, realistic and consistent, providing context to financial performance.

Valor IR Consulting will help build that story.

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Contact Information

Communication is a two-way affair. If you contact me, I will respond as soon as possible to your needs. I appreciate your interest and will respond in kind.